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Welcome to Cherry Class 

Cherry Class

 Cherry is taught by:  

Mrs Prebble, Mrs Coe, Miss Gilkes

and Miss Kaushal. 

In Cherry Class we live through the school values of Grace, Courage and Friendship. We support each other to do the best learning we can. 


This term our topic is:

Extreme Earth 


Week Beginning: 24.06.24- Literary Festival Author Talk

Week Beginning 24.06.24 - Science: Making circuits

Week Beginning: 24.6.24 - Music

Cherry Class Assembly

Robert Piggott Year 9 Leadership Day

Mary Anning Hot seating

Making Salt Dough Fossils

News from the Classroom

What a fantastic first half of the Summer Term. We have enjoyed so many different activities and it is all being capped off this week with biscuit making in D.T.



This term we are looking at suspense narrative and are studying 'The Red Eye'. During the topic, we will be looking at the features of the text and which techniques the writer has used to create tension and suspense. 



In Year 3 we will be finishing our unit on volume and capacity and starting our fractions topic.

In Year 4 we have been learning all about decimals and money.



Our topic this half term is rocks and soil.


Geography and History

This term we will be learning all about volcanoes, earthquakes and tornados. We will be learning all about the layers of the Earth and what causes natural disasters. 



This term we will be taking part in athletic games and team work activities. 



This half term our focus is on drawing and painting. We will be studying Hokusai's artwork 'The Great Wave' and making our own copy of it. 



In D.T. will be making biscuits in D.T. Part of the project involves deciding what we like and dislike about various biscuits, before we have a go at designing our own.



This term we will be listening to and creating our own Jazz music.



This half term the focus is on what a computer is made up of and the difference between inputs and outputs.



The topic is all about celebrating differences.

Team Super Schools

Science investigation with UV beads

Week ending 09.02.24 Visit to Big Pig and Creative Writing

Week ending 26.01.24 Art Styrofoam Printing Plans

Week ending 05.01.24 PE and Geography

Year 3 and 4 Spelling Words and Handwriting Sheets

Class Notices:

SUPER SIX: Please could you help your child to make sure they have the essential items at school: writing pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, pencil sharpener & glue stick. 


P.E.: Cherry Class have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. The children will need to wear their PE kits to school - not their school uniform. They will remain to their PE kits all day. Please still ensure that all items are labelled. 


Homework: Maths or English are set on Fridays, to be returned by the following Thursday. It is expected that children read at least 5 x per week at home. They will  receive house points for doing their homework well. Children may read independently, but we encourage parents to listen to them read aloud and discuss the text as often as possible. 


Spellings will be taught at school every week.


Book Week

Audio books can be found here www.worldbookday/world-of-stories/ 


Reading Gives You Wings!                

Read a book (or even two!) and review it on Our Reading Den:

Not sure what to read next? Take a look at the ideas in the links below:


Below are some links to websites which you can use to supplement your learning at home. Most of them we also use in school. 

Useful learning apps for tablets


Spelling Shed



If you have any more suggestions please let me know so that we can share them with other parents.

Week ending 08.12.23 Nativity &History demonstration (Moving stones for pyramid building!)

Week ending 01.12.23 DT Shaduf lever making and Tag Rugby

Week ending 17.11.23 Ancient Egyptian Workshop

Week ending 09.11.23 - Cartouche finished models

Week 13.10.23 DT Clay Cartouche and Maths Teachers

Week 06.10.23 RE- Hinduism and Divali dancing

Week 29.09.23 Art- Egyptian Silhouettes

Week 22.09.23 Freeze frame PE and paired writes in English

Week 15.09.23 PE and Art

Week 08.09.23 First Week of Cherry

Learning in Books- Art, Homework Projects, Geography 28.04

Baking Bread in DT 14.07.23

Maths Shopping Role Play, Languages at The Big Pig and Athletics. Week 26.05.23

Spring Concert and PE games at Mumbery Week 15.05.23

Coronation Celebrations 05.05.23

Forensics, Breakdance Class and Science Instruments 31.03.23

Fractions with year 4

Art sculptures and Book Day!

World Thinking Day and Sports at The Piggott School

Synagogue Trip and Hanging Around In Trees!

E Safety, Historical Concepts and Viking Figurehead Sculptures

Forest School and Children Teaching Maths

Science Materials- how do molecules behave in solids, liquids and gases?

Forest School

RE lesson -How special is the relationship that Jews have with God?

Creating objects used in the Bronze Age

Finding textures to create cave paintings
