Citizenship Awards
This page is dedicated to the Citizenship Award that has been rolled out to both the Infant and Junior Schools.
We are really excited to announce this project for the year. We are going to be working with our local and wider community to help all walks of life. We will be starting at home and working our way out in a variety of different activities to show our engagement in the community. It is all part of one badge award but with sections that relate to home, local community and the wider world community. This is a bridged version for 2022 as we want to ensure that the children (especially in year 6) can be involved with any remaining Covid restrictions and then next year, we will ramp it up a level to keep the momentum going! Keep checking back to see how we're getting on! Anyone can join in and bring in their completed checklist to gain their award. Below there is an attached PowerPoint which gives more information and there are also copies of the checklists which can help you to support your children.
The original copies are kept in school with your child's class teacher and so when an activity or task is completed, your child will come in with a photograph or signed note (e.g. by you or a club leader) as evidence which will be filed with the record document.
Once the child has completed 10 tasks, they will have completed the Citizenship Award and will receive a badge and a shout out in an assembly. We are also going to put on an afternoon tea for the children at the end of the summer term to celebrate them even further!