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Welcome to Kingfishers! 

 The teachers in Kingfishers this year are Mrs Lewis, Mrs King

and Miss Conerney



We are looking forward to welcoming all the children back for another exciting term with our topic of What's Cooking?


Watch this space for details about our fun activities and what we get up to in class!


                             Our Learning

(week commencing 8.7.24)


It has been another busy week in KS1. The Year 1s travelled to Addington School to join ten other schools. They formed a huge choir and spent the morning singing songs about pets! They sang beautifully and represented our school with real grace. Meanwhile, the Year 2s have been rehearsing their Leavers' assembly ready for the performance on Monday. 

In English we have been learning the poem 'The Magic Box' and we have had great fun making up alliterations with our names and about animals!


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Class Notices:


PE: Our PE days for this term are Monday and Tuesday.

The children will wear their PE kits to school on those days and stay in those clothes for the whole day. Please ensure that all clothing items are still labelled. 


Reading books: Vipers children can change their books independently. ReadWriteInc groups will be given new books every Thursday.


Library: Fridays


Dates for your Diary:

Monday 15th April - Back to school


Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday

Saturday 11th May & Sunday 12th May - TLC Days

Tuesday 14th May - Walk to School Assembly

Monday 20th May - Friday 25th May - Walk to School Week

Friday 25th May - Non-Uniform Day

Monday 27th May - Friday 31st May - Half-Term


Monday 3rd June - Back to school

Tuesday 4th June - EYFS & KS1 Illustrator Visit

Friday 7th June - PTA Ice Cream Sale

Friday 14th June - Infant Sports Day

Friday 14th June - PTA Ice Cream Sale

Tuesday 18th June - Year 2 Pupils to Juniors for playtime

Friday 21st June - PTA Festival Event


Wednesday 26th June - Changeover Day

Thursday 27th June - Literary Festival Event

Friday 28th June - PTA Ice Cream Sale


Tuesday 2nd July - Year 2 Pupils to Juniors for playtime

Friday 12th July - PTA Ice Cream Sale

Wednesday 17th July - Full School Report sent home

Friday 19th July - End of Term (1:40pm)







Flamenco dancing

Still image for this video

Flamenco dancing

Illustrator workshop


Space animation

Book of the week

Book of the week

Easter service and maths egg hunt

World Book Day

Our Mezuzahs and Shema scrolls

This week's recommended read

This week's recommended read

This week's recommended read.

This week's recommended read

Children in Need

Kingfisher's Book of the Week!

Kingfisher's Final Piece 'Tree of Life'

PE. Dance - moving like an animal
