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Collective Worship




All Church of England schools are required to hold a daily Act of Collective Worship.  In our school most of these take place at the beginning or end of the school day.  There are opportunities for the whole school to come together as well as times for separate Infant and Junior Collective Worship assemblies.  Once a week there is a class Collective Worship time when teachers follow up the weekly theme with their children. In the Junior school these sessions are also led by our Year 6 collective Worship Leaders.


As well as focusing on key Christian festivals such as Christmas, Easter and Lent the children have an opportunity to think about significant festivals and events of other key religions e.g. Divali, Hannukah, Ramadan and Eid.


We have half termly themes and use a resource called 'Roots & Fruits' as a basis for our worship. There is a story, told in weekly episodes, which parallels a key event or story from the Bible. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Collective Worship and should speak to the Headteacher to discuss this.

