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Robert Piggott CofE Schools

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Our children flourish through the provision of a rich and engaging curriculum which reflects the Church of England statement of entitlement.


We follow the Pan-Berkshire syllabus of Key Questions and outcomes through a blend of Understanding Christianity, units from the Oxford Diocese and Discovery. The content of this syllabus gives pupils a deeper understanding of Christianity and enables children to explore theological concepts through theological enquiry as well as learning about other world faiths.


The teaching of RE contributes to our Vision in many ways. Pupils are curious and regularly have opportunities to answer and ask big questions (What if?). As pupils explore these questions they will discover more about themselves, their relationships with others, their relationship with the world around them and their relationship with God. Learning about Jesus’ life encourages pupils to live out  their Christian values and serve others courageously as Jesus did. Children are encouraged to showcase and use their talents especially to help others.


Our RE curriculum incorporates the teaching of non-Christian faiths which the children are curious to learn about. Through the teaching of these units, children are encouraged to question and express their own views developing mutual respect and tolerance for those of different or no faith.


We welcomed REInspired in to the Infant School on Friday 24th November and their vision is to enhance pupils' spiritual development through creative engagement with people of faith in educational settings.  They actively support and enrich the religious education syllabus.

