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Pupil Premium


At Robert Piggott CE Infant and Junior Schools we have used the Pupil Premium to supplement the provision of Literacy and Numeracy support programmes in order to raise the achievement of pupils who attract this funding. This funding helps the school to provide individual and small group support in English and Maths. The individual support delivered by qualified staff has a positive impact on the children’s confidence and basic skills which enables them to improve their outcomes at the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

The funding has also been used to assist families with the purchase of uniform, the part funding of school educational offsite visits and after school activity clubs. This is essential for the self esteem of these children and for their enjoyment of learning, both of which have a positive impact on their achievement.


It is our intention to use next year's Pupil Premium for the same purposes, to continue to support the same programmes and provide assistance in the same areas.
