Robert Piggott Subject Overview: Science |
Curriculum Intent:
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
Our pedological approach to teaching this subject in the Robert Piggott CE Schools:
At Robert Piggott Schools wherever possible, Science links to topic work or other areas of the curriculum. Teachers have the professional flexibility to plan from a variety of resources, including Hamilton Trust, Developing Experts, etc, to ensure that the 2014 NC objectives are met and to maximise the learning experience for their class. Our Long Term Plans, demonstrate how we have organised the Programmes of Study across the year groups. Our organisation of children when teaching Science depends on a wide variety of factors including the lesson objective, situation, differentiation or matching and additional adults in the room etc. Best practice, encouraging high standards in teaching and learning, is explained in our Teaching and Learning Policy and is also advised by government guidelines within the NC document as well as ASE H&S guidance. All science teaching will involve plenty of “hands on”: finding out from first-hand experience and testing hypotheses, in line with “working scientifically” from the NC document. Full scientific enquiry, involving the concept of fair testing, will occur in each unit of work where appropriate. There will be many other lessons where aspects of investigations are reinforced. As the children progress through the school a greater emphasis is placed on investigative work. Scientific ideas should be developed through practical investigation wherever possible. Investigations will always be followed by thorough reinforcement of the knowledge and understanding gained from the experience. Children will be given the opportunity to devise and implement their own investigations. |
At Robert Piggott Schools, we aspire for our children to not only acquire the appropriate age-related substantive knowledge, but also to understand the fundamentals of biology, chemistry and physics within the understanding of the wider world. There are assessment frameworks in place at the beginning and end of each unit to fully understand the knowledge and skills attained by all students, this information will be used as the children pass through to the next cohort so that future teachers are aware of the strengths and weaknesses and can plan accordingly when units are revisited before new knowledge is built upon.
We expect our children to have:
By the end of year 2, we expect our pupils to:
By the end of year 6, we expect our pupils to: