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Welcome to Oak Class

Oak is taught by Mrs Mul

supported by Mrs Duffy, Mrs Jackson, Mrs King, Mrs Larkins & Mrs White



Summer 2024

Our topic for this term is Crime and Punishment.  As part of our learning we will consider the concepts of Grace, Power and Justice by looking at changes in types of crimes committed and how punishment systems have developed.

We will continue reading our whole class text, 'Holes' - which we're really enjoying - and develop our formal letter writing skills by compiling letters of complaint!

Summer term brings warmer, sunnier days (we hope) and so this will help us to understand our science topic 'Light'. We will also look forward to playing some of our favourite PE activities including cricket, rounders and athletics - ready for Sports Day!

Key dates:

Monday 3 June - Back to school 

Tuesday 11 June - Sports Day morning

Wednesday 12 June - Yr9 Piggott Leadership Day

Wednesday 26 June - Transition morning (Year 6 to visit new secondary school)

Thursday 27 June - Literacy Festival event

Monday 1 - Wednesday 3 July - Year 5 residential to Bushcraft

Tuesday 2 July - District Sports

Wednesday 6 July, 6:00pm - Year 6 Leavers Show

Wednesday 17 July, 10:00am - Year 6 Leaver's Service at St Mary's Church

Friday 19 July, 1:30pm - End of term


Please wear your PE kit to school on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Don't forget to bring a water bottle, a reading book and pencil case with the super 6, everyday.



Spellings are set on Friday, to be tested the following Friday.

All other homework is also set on Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday.



It is expected that children read at least 5 times a week and record this in their reading journal. These will be checked each week.  



Every week we will learn around 10 spellings.  To practise play the games on Spelling Shed (see link below).

Welcome Back!

We hope you've all had a lovely half term break.  Our Year 6's have returned after a wonderful time away at PGL - thank you to the brilliant staff team who led the trip.  Please do take a look at the photoshoot of our amazing pupils in action - there was plenty of fun, some awesome feats of courage and lots of happy memories!

We're looking forward to showing off some tricks, flair and skills at the upcoming Year 6 Talent Show - please do put the date in your diary now! 

25 - 28 June

17 - 21 June

Well everything has been hotting up in school as we head towards the end of our summer term together.  As the sunshine has shone, we shined in our fabulous teamwork activities in PE - look at our incredible balancing feats!  In Art, we planned our Mayan Weaving - will you be seeing our woollen designs in Autumn catwalk knitwear?!  We've been learning about stewardship in RE and paired up to create a new Genesis account celebrating how humans have managed to be good stewards. Here's a few lines from one of our odes':

'At the start the rivers flowed; No cars were towed

What a wonderful world

The glaciers were strong; We planted new life

We didn't stab animals with a knife

What a wonderful world....' 


Some of our classmates love the fantastic LegoTechnic club that Dr Stratful kindly runs every Thursday lunchtime.  Look what we've made!

10 - 14 June

It's been another busy week for us - Sports Day was a great day celebrating awesome sporting feats as well showing off our school values through grace to each other in the team results; courage to keep going when we tripped over or run out of steam in a race; and friendship as we cheered every pupil on to the finishing line!  With all that energy it was helpful to sit down and quietly practise our weaving skills in our new Art topic - can you spot a plain, twill or basket weave?

3 - 7 June


Oh dear - what have our Oak pupils been up to this week?  It seems that their mischievous misdemeanours have landed them in the stocks!  Actually we've been learning all about crimes and punishments through the ages in our history lessons and thought we'd check out what it would have been liked to get put in the stocks.  Thankfully there was no rotten fruit thrown at us!

15 - 19 April

Easter Celebration Service

19 - 21 March

   Our STEM Week!


We have had an amazing week. I am so proud of our students creating and explaining in details different science experiments. 

RE Inspired - 8 March 2024

This term in RE we have been learning about Christianity. Thank you so much to our visitors, we really enjoyed a variety of activities related to Easter. 

World Book Day - 7 March 2024

On Thursday we celebrated The World Book Day. We dressed up as a word, children were very creative with the costumes and with chosen words. We also created our favourite book characters from the kitchen rolls. It was lots of fun.  

4 - 8 March

Visit from Team Superschools - Ryan Scott - 28 February

Visit from the Berkshire Fire Brigade - 9 February

Visit to Maidenhead Mosque - 7 February 

25 - 29 January


15 - 19 January


8 - 12 January



4-8 December


This week we have been learning the new skills to play rugby in our PE lessons. We have also had great fun and raised lots of money for Thames Hospice.

27 - 29 November


13 - 17 November


6 - 10 November

This week we did some fantastic stop motion pictures such as flip book, thaumatrope, zoetrope in our Computing lesson. We have been enjoying our new reading scheme called Mastery Reading and we are gripped by our new book "The Girl of Ink and Stars". In PE, we are learning the skills such as throwing and passing with a rugby ball .

16 - 20 October



9 - 13 October



2 - 6 October


25 - 29 September


This week in our DT lesson we have been learning about different types of knives and we have experimented with a variety cutting styles.

In Computing we have created our own music and have tried to "tynker" with different tools and instruments.

We have also learnt about positives and negatives effects of an online gaming, in PSHE lesson.



18 - 22 September


This week we have been learning about online community safety. We also performed our own versions of Pandora's Box. On Thursday we started hockey with our special visitors from Berkshire Hockey Team. We had lots of fun!

11 - 15 September

This week we have tasted some delicious Greek food. In PE we have learnt new netball skills and put together a routine in Bollywood dancing. 

4 - 8 September

Well what a brilliant first week back we've had!  Launching straight into Greek Myths we've poured our stage skills into acting out the infamous Theseus and the Minotaur myth.  We heard some impressive speeches for the roles of House Captain and School Councillor; showed off our rhythm and synchronization skills in PE - learning Bollywood dance; practised days of the week in French; compiled historical fact files about the Ancient Greek Empire and ....    

Harvest Thanksgiving - Wednesday 11 October

Useful websites to support home learning

Class staff book recommendations:

The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

The Firework Maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman



Welcome Evening for Parents - September 2023
